Blue Badge
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The Blue Badge, awarded by the London Tourist Board and the Regional Tourist Boards, guarantees that the holder has been officially trained, examined and registered and is able to communicate his/her extensive knowledge in an interesting and entertaining way.

bulletThe Blue Badge is the qualification of the UK's professional, registered tourist guides.
bulletThe first Blue Badges were awarded to tourist guides who were trained for the Festival of Britain in 1951.
bulletThere are now around 2,000 Blue Badge guides in England and Wales, just over half of whom are London-based.
bulletBlue Badge guides work in over 40 languages in coaches, in cars, on foot and on site.
bulletBlue Badge guides are the only guides (other than in-house people) authorised to guide in the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, St Paul's Cathedral, Windsor Castle, Kensington Palace, Spencer House, Oxford and Cambridge Colleges, Shakespeare Birthplace, York Minster, Palace of Holyrood House and Edinburgh Castle.
bulletTheir training normally lasts eighteen months with eight rigorous written and practical examinations.

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